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Transformative Development of Your Company

A brave path to real sustainable, future-ready, successful companies 

How do we transform companies in times of disruption?

Our world is changing massively due to exponential developments in many areas we can observe - new technologies, climate change, global order, society and the economy. This requires at least a continuous review, and often a redefinition of business models, strategies and approaches. 


Do you also find these times challenging, but also inspiring at the same time?

With a few exceptions, many people probably feel this way - especially in management positions, when people also feel the effect of responsibility.

Opportunities to create and shape, but also risks and permanent change, are facing each other. 

The challenge is to keep pace with the speed of change, to build the new while sustaining the existing business.

This is the real transformation.

At the heart of every company is the creation of (added) value

This constant remains - despite, or even because of the comprehensive transformation of our societies, which is having a significant impact on our business and working world.  

The crucial question is: how do we create organizations and an environment that is adaptable, creative and effective in order to transform challenges into (added) value?

Then, choose our integrated approach to bring your Vision and mission to Life.  

Our believe is that we must solve the challenges of our time much faster. In order to do that we need new forms of collaboration and co-creation and the tighter interlinking of the spheres business, people and technology. 

With our network of independent experts we realize this new approach and therefore deliver hand-crafted and lasting solutions to move your business into the future.   

A-Volution combines this expertise, creates target visions and solution maps, provides the structure for collaboration and maintains the focus until the defined goals are achieved.

Our Fields of Action


Digital Business & New Technologies

Developing companies successfully
  • Digitalize business units and products
  • Anticipating the new world of work
  • Understanding and effectively introducing new technologies

Conscious Leadership & Collaboration

Unlocking the full potential of people
  • Understanding fundamental change
  • Learning to lead from the future
  • Innovating together into the future

Sustainable Business Transformation

Establishing sustainable business models
  • Providing mutual understanding and overview
  • Setting priorities, measuring outcome
  • Ensuring cross-functional collaboration 
Der erste SChritt

Probably there are still questions open... 

Let us clarify your initial situation, goals and challenges in a personal meeting.

We look forward to working with you to create solutions and shape the future.


Sascha Adam, Founder A-Volution

  • Projektleader and Business & Team Architekt
  • 20+ Years Strategy, Marketing & Communication, Product-management, Business Field Creation 
  • Expertise: Leadership, Innovation competence, Platform thinking, Transformation & Development
  • a.o. Otto, Telekom, Axel Springer, Vaillant, Dataport
To the profile: