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Re-Connecting Leadership: Building trust within your team  
How you keep the fundament for high-performance-teams
Do, 21.11.24
14:00 - 21:00
@ A-Volution
Hamburg - Hafencity
(ggü. Elbphilarmonie)

Seminarprogramm Reflektion Getränke & Verpflegung
Networking   Hin- und Rücktransfer

In the face of the accelerating pace of change in our economies, creating high performance teams is becoming even more crucial for entrepreneuers, leaders, managers  and HR specialists in order to remain adaptable and innovative as a company.

Achieving and maintaining this culture is the Champions League in leadership and management and goes beyond processes and structures. This training is designed to reveal the foundation for this culture and to experience it in practical exercises. 

Content of the training


Definition and tasks of leadership


In the beginning, we start the taining by setting the frame. Together, we discuss what we each mean by high-performance teams and what challenges leaders and managers face in forming and leading such highly demanding teams.


Conditions of high performance teams 


In this module, we get to the bottom of the question of which elements influence the culture of high-performance teams. Using recognized methods of team development, we work out which conditions are necessary for developing such a culture for innovation and effectiveness. 


The fundament of every team culture


Now we continue with looking at your team status. But, what actually is a team and what is the purpose of a team? Followed by delving into the very core of any relation - trust. You will learn and reflect how trust is build and what behaviour can undermine this bond. 


Authenticity as the starting point in communication


Next, we turn the spot on us as individuals. How can we contribute by beeing ourselves? And what does that mean to be authentic? Where is the distinction to emotions and truthfulness? In every social interaction, espacially in business, there are norms we should follow. At the end, successful leaders have learnt to be authetic self while holding to social norms.


Practising Active Listening to maintain trust


The last part will be an intense training session. What for many people doesn't sound challenging, can be a life changing experience for others: A real, honest conversation through listening to the other. Learn and discover from a highly skilled acting trainer the power of the Sanford Meisner Acting Method. As a leader  to train this skill can make the difference if your team really follows you or is just working for you.  


Reflection and Networking 


Reflection Room3

After the training, we complete the day with a 10-minute walk to a stylish restaurant. In a separate room and with some delicious food, we have the opportunity to review what we have learned, clarify open questions and connect with new people in a private atmosphere - a perfect way to end the day.



James is a distinguished authority in the entertainment and creative arts sectors, recognized for a dynamic career that spans elite projects and international stages. From the blockbuster sets of The Day After Tomorrow to the spellbinding world of Disney’s The Lion King and the acclaimed German series Tatort, James has established an unparalleled presence within the industry.

His multifaceted expertise includes serving as an On-Set Kinder Coach, where he ensures a secure, enriching environment for young talents, and collaborating with top music industry figures such as Interscope Records, Axel Bosse, and Counting Crows. Additionally, he has personally coached Boris Entrup, renowned makeup artist for Germany’s Next Top Model, and developed signature, high-impact performance structures for corporate speakers, training leaders to command the stage with authority and finesse.

Central to James’s methodology is a profound commitment to understanding human behavior, informed by Sanford Meisner’s renowned acting techniques and Carl Rogers’ principles of humanistic psychology. His tailored approach aligns with each client’s unique needs, enabling him to drive growth, collaboration, and excellence in performance across every venture.

Step into James’s transformative training and experience firsthand how his deep expertise fuels innovation and inspires all who engage with him




Sascha takes on the role of facilitator in this training and provides the contextual and organizational framework “from the sidelines”. His aim is for all participants to understand and internalize the content and to go and leave at the end of the training with at least one insight that will change their lives in this aspect from now on.

His specialty and passion is to accompany development processes - be it people, teams, products or companies. As an independent consultant, Sascha supports entrepreneurs and managers in setting up and developing business fields - especially when it comes to creating innovative solutions, charting new paths and integrating different perspectives. 

With over 25 years of experience in various positions in 21 companies and 8 industries, Sascha has been living digitalization since his thesis on “Intranet introduction in large companies” in 1998 and was instinctively always in the industries that were transformed next - even if you never used to call it that. 

Sascha has been self-employed since 2015 and has supported executives and teams in various projects to realize their missions and strategies. His clients include companies of various sizes: VAILLANT, DATAPORT, ENGEL & VÖLKERS, DODENHOF, WESER-KURIER, FIELMANN (selection).

His particular expertise is the intersection between business and organizational development as well as digitalization and innovation. 

With the newly created “impulse-training” format, we are addressing the special needs of a group of managers and entrepreneurs who are becoming increasingly critical to the success of organizations.

These people are characterized by the fact that they integrate various aspects, even from adjacent or unfamiliar areas, into decisions and assessments out of their own conviction. They usually act in an integrative rather than confrontational manner and pursue “the big picture” as their goal. 

They also find it easier to adapt to and support change, as they have internalized development processes in their world view as part of the complex and sometimes contradictory contexts of our world. 

This group of managers and entrepreneurs is becoming increasingly critical to success in many positions in companies due to the exponential development of new technologies and the rapidly increasing effects of climate change. As a result the upheavals will affect societies and economies even more drastically and fast.

People with these characteristics will be of significant importance at key positions in organizations, as they tend to be more resilient, holistic and integrative in such phases.

This group needs formats with a mixture of knowledge, impulses, exchange and reflection that stimulates their own development, beyond knowledge-transferring trainings. 

Instead of multi-day formats that are often difficult to realize in terms of time in fully packed days, we have designed the compact “impulse trainings” in which independent experts provide their knowledge on a specific development topic and train the participants in specific designed exercises. 

Translated with (free version)

A-Volution is a horizontal network of experts founded by Sascha Adam that covers the following company's key areas of activity:


  • New business models and technologies
  • Sustainable business and operations
  • Effective leadership and collaboration

Its mission is to shape together with companies the path into the new age, which is caused by exponential technological developments and the increasingly serious effects of climate change.

The gradually growing range of services includes seminars, trainings, sparring sessions and process facilitation in the above-mentioned fields of action. 

The aim is to support leaders, managers and entrepreneurs in organizations in their personal development, competencies and also in change processes and implementation projects.

Our aim is to go beyond the mere transfer of knowledge to bring about real change. Only then will these measures have a lasting impact and justify the budget. 

The same applies to support with the strategy, conception, management and implementation of more complex projects - effective and sustainable results can only be achieved by integrating with the experts in the client's organization, pragmatical hands-on approach and with the goal in mind at all times.

In contrast to “classic” consulting or agency models, A-Volution is not under “pressure” to utilize existing consultants or deploy them in areas outside their area of expertise. And unlike recruitment agencies, A-Volution not only provides the experts, but also leads these experts in a focused manner within the mandates until the agreed goal is achieved.

Like a flexibly scalable cloud service that provides and coordinates the experienced experts required on a selective basis and makes them available as a team to solve challenges and bridge capacity and expertise bottlenecks.


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